Major household appliances are what keeps us going every day. Technology has given us a vast range of electronics that help us to do our activities easily. It’s been years since we put our faith in it. But as time passes, we still keep assuming that since these household appliances are technology and electronic-based, they can run forever. On the contrary, that is false.
Here’s why it is false. The majority of people are unable to provide proper maintenance to all the appliances in the house due to a busy schedule. And, a persistent technical error within the electronic, if ignored, can cause a problem in the longer run.
Thus, you’ll see in a few years that your electronic appliances are getting old and do not perform like it used to. So, how can you be prepared to replace your appliances? Or, rather when should you? Follow the contents below to find out when!
Common Issues with Appliances that Reduce the Life Expectancy
When we talk about the life expectancy of an appliance, then they vary from one electronic appliance to another. But more so, the life expectancy also depends on how well they work under no dire circumstances.
That being said, there are factors that are responsible for reducing the life expectancy of appliances. Here are a few to keep in mind and if you find them, refer to Handyman, Repairman, Cleaners or Engineers, for fixing:
- Clogged Condenser Coil in Refrigerator
- Dirty Gas Stove Igniter
- Bad wiring to all the power outlets.
- Wobbling Washing Machine
- Defrosting/Frosting issues in refrigerator
- Water leak from Dishwasher
- Door unable to close in Microwave
- Exhaust fan in Microwave not working.
Average Life Expectancy of Household Appliances!
Major household appliances can last up to years but their life span varies from one another. Keeping aside any inbuilt difficulty, here is a list of appliance that can run for the following period of time:
1. Dishwasher

Dishwashers are among the top used appliances in the house. Since it is frequently used, the life span of it might reduce. But despite that, the average life expectancy of the dishwasher can last from 7 to 10 years.
If the dishwasher is kept clean every day, undergoes routine maintenance, goes through ventilation fixing, then it can last to 10 years without any problem. If you find it difficult to clean the dishwasher every day, then simply stick to a weekly routine or get help from Dubai Cleaners to do it for you.
2. Refrigerator

Here’s an interesting fact about refrigerators which might surprise you. They can last from 10 to 13 or even 13 to 15 years when working all day long. However, it is electronics at the end of the day and if a routine check-up is not done, the problems inside can start to pile up. And, thus the lifespan may come down to 8 to 9 years or even less.
Make sure you clean the refrigerator both inside and out. Keep in check with the drain pan so that it does not overflow with water. A weekly check should do its fine. Additionally, check your refrigerator for freezing issues. If you find that the refrigerator is not producing cool air then take help from experts to get it fixed.
3. Microwave

Microwaves can last for 9 years if taken care of. Since we rely on them too much, we expect it to keep working and not break down. Unfortunately, an electronic device if overused without maintenance, can stop functioning even before the average life span period.
And issues like turntables not working, bad wiring, overheating or underheating can trigger major problems in future. Make sure to clean the microwave every day or every week and under no circumstances should you heat the microwave when the turntable is empty. Additionally, use microwave containers for heating food.
4. Washing Machine

Washing Machines are one of the most powerful machines that work very hard on every use. The spinning itself takes a lot of effort and power that has been infused inside the machine. That implies that with proper care, the machine can last for 10 years.
But, minor problems related to the drum, fault in spinning and water leaks can reduce the life expectancy Thus, make sure you opt for a monthly or a weekly clean, check for underlying faults with the drum or drain pipe and get them fixed.
5. Gas Stoves

Gas stoves typically have a longer life span period which is 15 years. However, just like any other appliance, their life expectancy can reduce if not maintained. But, maintaining a gas stove only requires minimum effort and that only can keep the gas stove running smoothly since it does not require too much maintenance.
Make sure to clean the stovetop with mild dish soap and lukewarm water to get rid of cooking grease. Clean the filters with scrubbing and rinsing. Also, make sure to not abruptly burn the burner hole since that can be dangerous and harmful in the longer run.
6. Freezers

Freezers are slightly different from the refrigerator. But, they provide the same use as it does. Since it is a standalone electronic appliance, it can last more than 10 years if you keep it functions on check once in a while.
Issues like dirt layers on the inside, defrosting or frosting issues, bad wiring, dirt surrounding power areas can easily cause the freeze to become weak and eventually die out. Keeping these things in check can be of great help to them.
7. Water Heater (Geyser)

Water heaters are essential appliances of the house but even then the appliance can last for at least 5 years under good care and wellness. However, the lifespan of water heaters also depends upon different brands and how they function. But most of all, what has a higher chance of reducing the time period is keeping it unchecked for a long time.
Every year, try to recycle freshwater by flushing out water from the tank twice. And, perform monthly checks of the geyser. You can take help from professionals for plumbing services to get it done.
8. Garbage Disposals

Garbage Disposals work a lot more than we imagine. It grinds the remaining food leftovers to refined pieces so that it can go down the drain without clogging. Thus, it can last for 8 years or so. However, if you use it with care and provide service maintenance then the life span can increase up to 12 years.
To do so, clean up the debris which remains at the bottom of the disposal but keep in mind to disconnect the power before executing the process. Make sure to avoid food items like potato peels, eggshells, bones, pasta, and the things that can clog the drain. Also, make sure the units are all intact without being loose.
Maintenance is Key!
With Maintenance, your household appliances will last longer than its life expectancy date and you can see that for yourself. But if you come to find that your appliances have spent good years in your house and are no longer functioning well, then it’s time to get a replacement done.
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