Over a period of time, civilization brings several comforts as well as complications in our life. So in this interesting article, we will discuss addiction to shopping in detail. With the help of this, you may understand- why women are always eager to purchase something? Along with that, we will also discuss the physiological theory of shopping.
Sometimes you may find that your wife has a strong craving to purchase anything and everything but if you cannot find the answer to the most common question- why she does shopping all the time? Then just go through this article till the end as here you will find answers to all such complicated questions. Even excessive shopping is acceptable till a certain limit but it may create troubles when goes beyond that limit and what is that limit? Well answer to this question is hidden in my article as well as I also shared some simple steps that one can adopt to avoid unwanted shopping.
Purchasing some product of our choice is a wonderful experience for all of us. Whenever we do shopping, it provides mental satisfaction. It is a common human behavior that is visible in men as well as women. But women have more strong desire to purchase a new product in general because of their basic nature and responsibility.
The close relationship between woman and shopping
Well, I must say it is a very debatable topic. Shopping is a common hobby of the women of almost all the countries of the world indifferent to the age group. They just love to do it. Even during a festive season they just want to purchase the whole market. It is not just liking but responsibility also.
Also Read: 12 Things successful and smart women do before shopping
Usually, women are responsible for the proper functioning of the home. In such a scenario they do shopping for the home decoration, groceries, kids wear and other items
So if your wife is asking for shopping but there no space in her cupboard to put a hanky, then you are not alone because it is the problem of husbands of the whole world. Sometimes you just feel that your wife is addicted to shopping because she keeps on purchasing things without bothering about their utility. Here we will analyze this common behavior of shopaholic women.
What is the psychological theory of shopping?
According to some experts, there is a chemical in the brain called dopamine which is secreted when we feel good about something. Once, your brain identifies that shopping increases the secretion of dopamine. Then it keeps on remembering that situation and drags the person towards shopping all the time.
When you visit a shopping mall and saw a dress that could be best for your friend’s wedding and wanted to purchase that very eagerly but your budget doesn’t allow you to do so and finally you purchase that dress next month. It is an impulsive behavior that is more or less present in all of us but more often visible in women. Even men also show such impulsive behavior when they come across something suitable for them like a pair of black shoes, wallet, glasses, etc, normally males are more passionate to purchase vehicles and electronics.
Also Read: 7 Reasons why you should date a shopaholic woman
All these impulsive behaviors are common and you cannot classify them as shopping addicts. But when your impulsive shopping behavior becomes compulsive and you cannot able to stop yourself from purchasing dresses or crockery that you know, you will never be going to use in the near future then such person is called shopaholics.
Why sometimes your wife craves for shopping?
Usually, couples have arguments on the finances and utility of purchasing a certain product, it is not a big deal, and we all considered this as common human behavior. But when such arguments happen too often then it is a sign that one of them is suffering from compulsive shopping syndrome. Such kind of addiction is common in women. So you may think that why your wife craves for shopping and spend hard-earned money on useless products.
Also Read: Common problems faced while shopping with kids
According to some
7 Indicators – to find your wife is addicted to shopping?
The addiction of shopping is harmful to your health as well as your budget, so here we are discussing 7 behaviors that show your wife is a shopaholic.
1. A close look to the closet

If you closely observe the closet of your wife and find several clothes that still have tags and are purchased several months ago then it is a clear cut sign that your wife is addicted to shopping and it is getting beyond the limits. Now you have to take some initiative to resolve this issue.
2. Credit card bills

Whether your wife is economically independent or not, if she is spending too much money on unwanted products then you must check the credit card bills regularly. If a person is lacking in cash and still purchase a particular product on the credit card or by online shopping then it shows that the urge to purchase becomes uncontrollable.
3. Arguments

When you and your wife often get involved in unwanted arguments regarding the shopping and your wife started putting unreasonable arguments to support her spending. Then it is a red signal that you should take some steps to put a full stop to the endless shopping list of your wife.
4. Is she is hiding something?

When the desire to purchase a product becomes unstoppable, then you end up purchasing all those useless products and never use them. If your wife knows that she made a wrong decision then she starts hiding those products which she had purchased. If you ever noticed that your wife is hiding her shopping bags here and there. Then it is a big cause of concern, it is not just about money it’s about mental health of your wife as well.
5. Shopping becomes a part of her daily routine

Being a husband it is your duty as well as the right to keep a check on rational behavior of your wife. When you find that it is going beyond a certain limit then you should closely observe the daily routine of your wife. For a shopaholic person, shopping becomes an integral part of the daily routine. If she cannot purchase any product on a particular day then it feels like something is incomplete. So if your wife keeps on purchasing something on a regular basis then it is time to visit a psychologist without much delay.
6. Unplanned shopping

If you both are going for a walk or picnic then in the mid way your wife starts purchasing a purse or a dress without any specific reason then it is an obsession and you must take necessary actions. Shopping is part of our daily routine but you cannot purchase things all the time. When your wife tries to purchase something all the time then it is not normal.
7. The element of excitement

The element of excitement is very closely associated with the purchasing pattern of women. The main reason for excitement is not related to the product that they purchase, in fact, it is because of the feel-good experience due to secretion of adrenaline hormone. If you notice unusual happiness on her face while shopping then you should not ignore such clues.
How to avoid unwanted shopping?
It is quite difficult for a shopaholic to not purchase anything for a few weeks or few months but if you scientifically analyze this behavior and choose the treatment methods prudently then one can easily avoid unwanted shopping.
Some simple tips which you can share with your wife to avoid over the top shopping bills.
- Prepare a list of products that you want to purchase before going shopping.
- Do not get trapped in discounts and “buy one get one” kid of advertisements.
- Make a simple thumb rule that you will always do shopping by cash, because if you use the card then many a time you spend more than you plan to spend.
- Prepare a monthly budget for different expenses and never breach the monetary limit set for shopping.
With the help of this particular article, we discuss several aspects of shopaholics;
I’d say I am MILDLY addicted to shopping ????
Funny! but not jus females, even guys are addicted to shopping!
Well, there’s no doubt we are addicted to shopping and stuff. However, it must be controlled.
Everything should be done in moderation and according to the family’s budget. But like the saying goes ‘you cant take it with you’. Good points in your article.
It’s not always true. Sometimes even the husbands are a shopaholic.
I’m not addicted to shopping but this was an interesting read for sure.
I’ve known people who are addicted to shopping. It can be so hard on relationships.
It’s not just women these days. Many men are always guilty of being shopaholic!
This made laugh, lols. Shopping is a part of us women and everything that is too much is bad, so let’s go shopping moderately or accordingly to our needs. This is a great read!
thanks for sharing this, lovely captures shared in this & i laways wishes to enjoy shopping no matter what 🙂 cheers, siennylovesdrawing
These made me laugh! I go through spells where I’m “addicted” to shopping. Mostly when its warm out and i can walk the outlet malls. But then again in winter time I’m just more of an online shopper. So maybe i am addicted
There are men that are also addicted to shopping. I’m happy to say, I hardly ever shop. I prefer to spend my money on experiences and traveling, not buying more stuff that I don’t need.
I love it! LOL I am not much of a shopper but I know people who are and their husbands would appreciate this post
Haha! seems you searched a lot on this topic. Anyways it was a good read.
My closet is like that… but mostly cus I am also very organized. I don’t think I’m addicted to shopping though. HAHAHA.
Haha, this is a fun post to read. I definitely need to share this with my husband. He’s the shopaholic in our relationship!
Yes me lol i love shopping i understand al this.
lol great post! i enjoyed the read
I hate shopping lol, but it def can be gratifying which can be an addiction..
LOL I’m not addicted to shopping but I definitely understand the satisfaction of it 😛