Shopping– what happens when you hear this world? Well, half of us fear as shopping is one thing which can add to our expenditure unnecessarily at times. On the other hand, shopping is also necessary at times. For instance- when you have the month approaching an end and you have to go grocery shopping which is next to a nightmare, endless listing of products required for the house and demands which also should be kept in mind. Every household has special demand every month, where kids would expect you to get them candies and no energy booster drinks and you would want to stick to low cholesterol oil for your family. There are a bunch of us who wish to go shop alone, and on the other hand, there are people who can’t just go shopping alone. You might have experienced your friends dragging you for their retail therapy every now and then. But, have you ever imagined how it would be if you have to go shopping along with kids around? I would have never imagined myself in those shoes, but it is sometimes commendable to see parents in the shopping malls tackling their kids at the best.
Parenting is different school skill altogether, here no one teaches you anything. You just learn tips and tricks of handling your kids with time and of course from their grandparents and their experiences. Women have been always trolled everywhere for their shopaholic nature, however, when it comes to a mother it is a different experience altogether. The shopping time doubles when you have a kid with you because you have to take care of their snack breaks, their mood swings, and their pee breaks. Well, there are other additional problems faced while shopping with kids, which has been elaborately discussed here. It is difficult to manage at times however both the parents handle the kids turn by turn and that’s how we finish the shopping in a month for another month maybe.
Parenting Skills and Shopping go hand-in-hand
There is no school which can help you master in parenting, trust me when I say this. Parenting is a skill which we learn with time and experience in life with kids. Every one of us would have encountered kids of different varieties in the shopping malls or shops near-by. There are some kids who would be engrossed in playing and their parents would be peacefully shopping around, with definitely one of them eyeing the kid even from a distance. Well, we also have kids who would be crying their hearts out for one toy or the other. You would hear a screaming parent running with the crying kid to make him/her smile. Then, comes to those cutie pie dads who are silent spectators in a shopping mall talking in sign language with a fast-asleep baby in their arms. It is amazing to see how we change our lifestyle with a kid around us.
However, we have some amazing hacks to take care of your kids while you shop around for family and self. Meanwhile, Let’s first discuss the major problems faced while shopping with kids.
Main problems faced while shopping with children
Embarrassing moments
Cranky kids
Hunger spams
Property Damage
Solutions for every problem faced while shopping with kids!
1. Try distracting them with fun games
Distraction is the key to winning the attention of kids. You can always distract kids with some fun games, which can be a word game related to different items around the shopping mall. These fun games can be educational which can also help the kid in understanding few unknown things around. Games are always engaging for the kids and in this way, you can grab his/her attention while shopping and they won’t even get bored with the long shopping sessions.
2. Carry a big purse or backpack
Every woman always carries a bag for a certain reason, not that they want to show-off their collection. A woman’s bag is equivalent to a Narnia wardrobe, featuring a stapler to a wet-wipe. When you are out for shopping with a kid, you should be carrying a bag or backpack with all the necessary items such as water bottle, your kids favorite toy, snacks, chocolates, and some towels. You can assist any demand of your kid amidst the shopping session with the help of your immensely well-equipped purse. When shopping with infants it is advisable to carry milk bottle (needless to say that), extra clothes and diapers.
3. Give them a reward program scheme
Well, everyone knows bribery is bad practice. However, there is no escaping from this when you are shopping with a cranky mood kid. It often happens that the child’s sleep is disturbed due to the shopping sessions and he/she turns irritated with the disrupted sleep session. So, it is advisable to grab the attention of the kid with a reward program. You can propose a situation where if he/she remains at good behavior they could go to a place of their choice next time or they would be rewarded with ice-cream or anything of their choice. Reward programs turn out to be the best option for the problems faced while shopping with kids.
4. Offer them a place of their choice in the mall
Shopping malls today offer a variety of options which help in engaging the kids while the parents continue their shopping. You can take your kid to their favorite corner in the mall such as gaming arena, ice-cream parlor or garden area. This helps in lightening the mood of kids for a while and you are free for another few hours as he/she would be energized after visiting their favorite location.
5. Shopping Buddies
We always prefer taking our friends while we go shopping as it helps in deciding on things quickly. You can take along your friends who are single, they would help in engaging the kids and act as babysitters, without their knowledge even. Or you can also invite your friends who have kids so that you guys can leave the kids playing around together and your spouse will have a shopping buddy while the men can hang out looking after the playing kids.
6. Grandparents as lifesavers
Grandparents tackle kids the best, as they have experience of handling numerous children issues. They can come as a life-saver while you continue shopping for the family. Grandparents and kids are a great combination on any trip or shopping sessions. The affection with which they take care of the kids is impeccable and they also care about your shopping hours handling problem faced while shopping with kids.
7. Hunger spasms
A hunger kid will always bring destruction you must remember this as a parent. It is very important to have a good lunch before you begin your shopping session. Kids have a faster metabolism so it is your responsibility to check if the kid is hungry amidst your long duration shopping. A bit of snacking in between the shopping session causes no harm.
8. Their opinion matters
Kids often feel that parents neglect them while on the shopping spree. You must involve your kid even if you are shopping for a clothing line or cosmetics or even sunglasses. They feel great when their opinion is asked for any particular thing, and it also helps in handling the problem faced while shopping with kids
9. Comfort
You must help out the kids making them shopping ready. It is necessary for them to wear clothes which make them comfortable. You must also ensure that they are wearing comfortable shoes such as sneakers or crocs which don’t hurt them. There is a lot of walking and running around involved in shopping malls.
10. Make them responsible
You can make your kid sit around with the bags while you continue shopping or even going on trials handling the problem faced while shopping with kids. Giving the kids responsibilities makes them feel privileged and there are no more tantrums thereafter. They become responsible for that little while and help you out with the shopping session quite peacefully.
Shopping can be fun with family
You must enjoy every session spent together with family. Sometimes, these breaks are the only breaks that you might get with your family due to the hectic work schedule. So, you must make the most out of it. You can go for a drive or dinner after the shopping session or even for a movie of your kid’s choice. In this way, you can work on the reward program offered to the child and also spent quality time with them on weekends. The happiness which comes in bits and pieces must be cherished.
I feel you. It is always a struggle to shop with kids tagging along.
I always set expectations ahead of time, remind & praise as we go, and have a purse full of stuff they like for reinforcement
Hahaha I can relate. This is definitely a challenge for me and my daughter. Thanks for sharing
I don’t have kids yet but having been taking care of my little nephew taught the importance of listening to him. I agree that their opinion matters. It shows them that you respect them
yup! Especially when my kids threw tantrums or crying for something, then everyone would be looking at me like what did I do to my kid??!!! And they always choose the most inconvenient time to bawl. lol. This is life. But thanks for all those shopping tips with kids
OMG!! This is my life!!! There are times, when I would just do online grocery. or just have my husband do the grocery. But my husband always insist that grocery shopping is fun (in which world??). lol. But it is a learning everyone ((parents and kids) should experience.
I got around the problem by letting my children help me and giving them the responsibility of going to an aisle and picking up an item from the shopping list. It seems to work more often than not.
Rewarding is what works with my little one, he knows no nagging while shopping, when I’m done shopping then we get to look for something for him… Only if he behaves, he has learnt the lesson the hard way by walking out the shop and not getting anything.
I have never had a problem shopping with my son when he was younger. I think cause everyone thought we were siblings shopping together lol. I was young when i had him. These are great tips to have. Not sure how kids today act now lol
All great tips, I think taking the kids is a good idea, and show them how to shop, show them how to choose healthier options and how to budget during their grocery trip.
Cranky kids can really give one a hard time.Mostly experienced, in my opinion.Thanks for sharing the solutions
I hear you the struggles are real and so embarrassing.. I hope I’m able to implement this tips successfully. Thanks for the advice.
Not a parent, but I’ve seen all those kind of kids while shopping. My only tip can be not to bring kids on a shopping trip with you!
Some good points! Laughing at the idea of a mom with a stapler in her purse! ?
Really enjoyed reading your suggestions, might give them a try !
With love,
I absolutely dreaded taking my boy food shopping, but now I get him involved with picking food from the isle and popping it in the trolley and shopping is much more enjoyable for all! Great post! Thank you 🙂