Are your shopping habits getting the best of you? Well, here are ten ways to help you stay away from shopping for a while, especially if your shopping habits are spiraling out of control.
1. Keep Track Of Your Spending
Financial consultants at Pronto Finance say “it is essential to keep track of how you are spending your money. In fact, tracking your spending can help you detect serious spending issues.”
Now, if you’re looking for an incentive to curb your shopping habits, keep track of how much you spend for a month or more; then write it somewhere … coffee, clothes, school supplies, entertainment, groceries, etc. Create another list for the things you want to purchase along with their prices. Having a clear picture of how much you spend and what you save will bring you more joy than any shopping spree.
2. Delay
Timing is vital, particularly regarding impulse buys. No matter how badly you want to reach inside your wallet and retrieve your credit/debit card, delay the purchase for a month or so and then see if you’re still interested in purchasing as you were before. You may find out you no longer have the desire to make the purchase anymore.
3. Define The Reason Behind You Need Keep Shopping
Some people shop to kill boredom, is that the case with you? Or are you shopping to find an escape from a broken heart? Or perhaps shopping is a habit you can’t drop? Find the “why” behind your purchases. You’d be surprised to learn that listening to good music or just taking a long walk will be a much better solution.
4. Declutter
Decluttering, as Marie Kondo would put it, helps you get rid of what doesn’t spark joy. So, when you’re continually decluttering, you’re left with only the things that spark joy in your life, and the need for the pleasure you get from a new purchase fades away.
5. Donate
Are you on a quest for happiness at the mall? Put a pin on that. Studies show that people who donate money, possessions, or money are much happier than those who don’t. So, try giving.
6. Location! Location! Location!
Identify the exact location where you spend your money. When you know a particular store too well, or become a regular and preferred customer, the chances are that you’ll end up feeling at home when spending your money there. Avoid local department stores and places you feel at home when spending as you would avoid a plaque! If an e-commerce business is courting you via texts or emails, unsubscribe.
7. Challenge Yourself To New Rules
Why not try a new approach and challenge yourself with the minimalist fashion project 333, where you only dress with 33 pieces of clothes, accessories, shoes, and jewelry and stay away from shopping for these items for three months? If you do, there are many benefits in store for you. If you struggle with buying other things, create a personalized challenge and make sure you set rules and wait to see what you’ll learn.
8. Start An “Urgent & Important Matters” Fund
What’s urgent and essential to you? Since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, you’ll need to come up with a list of what matters to you. For instance, if you’re planning on building or purchasing a home, start a fund for that. When new items at the mall tempt you, remind yourself of what’s more important to you and choose how to spend your money. A new pair of shoes or dinner in Paris?
9. Gratitude

Some people end up as shopaholics because they’re looking for a way to reward themselves. But there’s a far better way to do that than to spend all your money on online stores or at the local mall – start a gratitude journal! Make gratitude a part of your morning routine by writing down a couple of things you’re grateful for. The secret is to help you:
- Calm down
- Motivate yourself and boost your self-esteem
- Reduce the risk or depression
10. Presence
Regardless of how much you try to convince yourself, the truth is that you can’t shop your way out of pain or into a promising future, so start concentrating on now.
Final Words
Make use of these ideas to help you stay away from shopping for a while. Become more aware of your spending habits may give you freedom and peace. You don’t have to quit shopping forever, only a little while. What you want to buy won’t go anywhere, but the odds are you won’t.
Featured Image – cnn
What a great post for those who are trying to curb their spending habits. I hope those who need help in their habits can find this post helpful!
I don’t have a shopping problem, but I bet these great tips would help someone who does. Very helpful post
I have to balance my spending in this quarantine. Its helping me save money too!
I have never heard of a shoppers diet before, but then again, I don’t really shop a that much anyway. I know that there are people who spend fortunes on shopping, they definitely need this.
I do the delay tactic too. I also use cash only. When I run out of cash that is it for me.
These are such helpful tips! I am a huge fan of tracking spending, and a meticulous budgeter, but I think that it really does make a big difference to see where your money is going! Great post!
I always delay so that I can go on this shopping diet. Decluttering and donating does not help me much.
I think the best way for me to curb my shopping spree is to have no money haha!! When I’m on a budget I naturally feel less inclined to shop 😛
Thank you for the tips on how to reduce spending.
Thank you for the tips on how to reduce spending. Right now is definitely the time to save as much money as possible.
Next time I go to target I’ll have to remember these
I don’t shop as much as I did before. But sometimes retail therapy also helps reduce stress
I like the idea of delay. I tend to do that when I find myself shocked at the tag of something I want. I put in my cart and walk away. If I still think about it or it comes up, then I decide if that’s something I feel is worth spending my money on. If I really want it, I may sell something in order to get the funds for it.
this is a very good Shoping tip , its good to have a budget and not to spend unnecesary
Mu girlfriend really needs to see this 😉
Decluttering always puts things into perspective. I always realize how much stuff I truly have, so I feel no need to go out and shop more. Thanks for sharing.
wow shopping is necessary and it can save you from depression
Nice! Another amazing article from you. As usual I learned something new from it. Thanks a bunch! 🙂